Google commands

Google commands

Google is a powerful search engine, below there are some commands for a better search result’s.

– (minus) e.g president -obama
when the minus is before a word, this search all presidents excluded the results containing words (obama in my example).

+ (plus) e.g. +the cat
Inside the search the word “the” usually is not considerated, if you want add it explicity put a + before the article

“” e.g. “search engine google”
the words inside ” ” force the search to must be completed like inserted and not scattered on the page. Try yourself with and without quotes.

* e.g. “we have * apple’s”
asteriscs works as undefined word(s), in this example * can be a number or whatelse

~ e.g. ~choose car
will extend all synonymous words (in this example the word choose is extend to pick or choosing)

.. e.g. “pc to 10..200 euros”
search inside numerical range. Will return all search for pc and euro’s with a numerical range from 10 to 200.

OR e.g. pc OR mac
this show results with “pc” or “mac” results

filetype e.g. ubuntu filetype :torrent
A specific (not much precise) search for declared extension of files, the example will show all torrents files which include word “ubuntu”

define e.g. define:sun
show a definition of the word from dictionaries, wikipedia etc.

cache e.g.
show the Google cache of the website above

link e.g. link:
Try to show all pages that linking the page you choose (

related e.g. related:
Try to show all page’s related to the mysql (database) page, so if you can see similar projects

info e.g. info:
Show info (obtained from Google) about page

site e.g. windows
Show all result for word (windows) inside a specific website (

weather e.g. weather rome it
Retrive the weather forecast for the city

movie e.g. movie equilibrium
Retrive a specific movie information

stocks e.g. stocks GOOG
Show the financial information of stocks

phonebook e.g. phonebook:apple new york
Only for U.S. search the phone number